All You Need Is Ears by George Martin, Jeremy Hornsby
All You Need Is Ears George Martin, Jeremy Hornsby ebook
Page: 288
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 9780312114824
Format: pdf
A career as a pop musician may be the ultimate dream for many, but Marco Migliari has found his dream job on the other side of the studio, as a sound engineer at Real World Studios in Box, Wiltshire. All the gags that you hear in the old cartoons, that's Jimmy. Check out Mark Lewisohn book which documents all the Beatles sessions at Abbey Road, also George Martin's book “All You Need Are Ears” is straight from the horse's mouth. Editor's Note: Here's proof of Clive's annoying . Jan 5, 2014 - Jimmy was Walt's major sound effects man. This, then, led me to George Martin's “All You Need Is Ears: The inside personal story of the genius who created The Beatles “, published in 1994. Nov 19, 2011 - All You Need Is Ears is the story of George Martin, the man who spotted the Beatles' talent, who recorded and produced them from the start, and who brought their musical ideas to life. Long, windy, guarded and far from essential reading. Out of print, I have been seeking it out for a couple years now. May 11, 2011 - Reply by rivers. There are several good books…. Oct 24, 2013 - Much like his presentations his book is a chore to read, and, if you have ever heard his voice, you hear it in every written word. Nov 14, 2009 - Dream jobs: all you need is ears. He built these things…he was a genius at it. Apr 22, 2010 - So far Fullpanda is a techno label, and we say: “All you need is ears,” meaning that if you want to know more, the music speaks better.